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Everything you need to know about losing weight

Have you tried a number of crash diets that leave you feeling defeated because you did not lose a pound? Rest assured that you are not alone, but thankfully you can bounce back from failure. If your approach keeps you from losing weight, then that is where you should make the first change. An attempt to lose as much weight in a little time as possible does not lead to success. This is not a competition with anyone, but rather the effort to lose weight in a healthy way. There are a few things you need to learn while on your journey to a slimmer, healthier you.

Break your unhealthy habits
If you are overweight, then chances are you developed a few unhealthy habits that need to be broken. What better time to start than now? Some people might eat a reasonable portion for their main meals, but they tend to snack a lot, which is even worse. The problem with snacking is that you are unaware how much you are really eating until it is too late. If are guilty of this, it is time to stop this unhealthy habit. When you need to snack, opt for healthy portions of fruits or nuts instead of chips.
Don’t skip breakfast
Anyone who skips breakfast makes a mistake that many dieters make and, ultimately, regret because skipping breakfast will not make you lose weight. Breakfast is the first meal of the day and sets the pace for the rest of your day. It is also a very important part of your weight loss progress. Research has shown that there is a direct link between breakfast and successful weight loss. When you eat a healthy breakfast, the body feels nourished and you are less likely to overindulge during the rest of the day. Make healthy breakfast choices such as whole grain toast, fruits, cereal, orange juice, or a glass of skim milk.
Eat lots of fiber
Fiber can help you to reach your weight loss goal so it should be included in your diet. Fruits such as strawberries and pineapples contain lots of fiber. You can also get fiber from eating vegetables, brown rice, whole wheat bread, and cereal. Other foods that contain fiber include:
  • Beans
  • Lentils
  • Legumes
  • Seeds and nuts
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Brussel sprout
  • Potato with skin

Fiber plays an integral role in helping persons lose weight because:
  • It interferes with the absorption of fat
  • It is often found in foods that contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals
  • It takes up lots of space in the stomach which makes you feel fuller for a longer period
  • It takes longer to chew than other foods which means we feel satisfied quicker

There are other things that you can do to ensure that your weight loss efforts are successful. Set a goal for yourself and a deadline for achieving this goal. Keep your timeline realistic; remember that this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix scheme. Aim for 1-2 pounds per week, not ten pounds. Studies have shown that people who lose weight in a realistic timeline have a greater chance of keeping it off for good as opposed to those who lose large amounts in a short period. In order to keep track of your progress, you should keep a food journal and track the foods you eat throughout the day. At the end of each week if your goal is not achieved, your food journal can help you to pinpoint where you faced challenges.

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