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Lose weight and have fun doing it!

We cannot deny the fact that the mind is a powerful thing, but sometimes the mind can prevent us from reaching our goals. If you tell yourself that losing weight is unrealistic, then of course your weight loss efforts will fail. Although there are many things that contribute to weight loss, a positive attitude is high on the list. Rather than telling yourself that you cannot lose weight, tell yourself that you will lose weight. The feelings of failure occurs when people go on crash diets, lose large amounts of weight, then, in a short span of time, they gain the weight back. This becomes an unending cycle and, ultimately, they give up entirely. If you chose a quick fix method, the results will not last. For best results, you need a lifestyle change that will make you look better and feel better.
Set realistic goals
In order to see the results of your weight loss journey, you must to set goals that you can achieve. If you set a goal that you are going to lose 20 pounds in one week, you will feel disappointed and unmotivated at the end of the week when you are not able to meet the unrealistic goal. Those who commit to losing five pounds in two weeks and work hard toward achieving that goal are more likely to reach that goal. People tend to lose more weight during the initial stages of their diet so chances are you might even lose more in those two weeks than you planned, but five pounds in two weeks is a realistic goal. Once you have achieved your two week goal you will feel so motivated that you will want to continue to work hard and set new realistic goals.
Get active the fun way
Today there are so many options ways to get active that it is hard to pick one. Try a variety of options; you can choose to hike on the weekend or swim after work each day. If you are someone who likes to try new things, find classes in belly dancing, hip hop, Pilates or yoga. Find an exercise partner like a friend and family member so you can keep each other motivated. Working out does not have to feel like work; you can lose weight, tone your body and have fun doing it. You can also make small changes throughout the day to keep active; walk to the store instead of drive or take the stairs rather than the elevator. Small changes can make a big difference.
Eat foods that are healthy and delicious
Food can be the major downfall of many dieters; it is hard to think of life without chocolate, cake, ice cream or potato chips. In order for your diet to work, it has to be a lifestyle change which means to be thoughtful with your food choices and portions. You can still have potato chips, but instead of the oily fried chips, choose the baked chips. A carton of ice cream can last a few months in the freezer, so you can eat a proper serving size once or twice a month. As for chocolate, go ahead and eat it, but portion control is very important. If you want to treat yourself for reaching your two week goal, have a small piece of chocolate.
You also need to incorporate fruits, vegetables and other healthy options into your diet. Try a delicious vegetable salad instead of a burger or opt for sunflower seeds, almonds and peanuts if you want a snack between meals. Drink the required 8 glasses of water each day and remember that whatever you do, just have fun doing it.

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