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Can liquid diets aid in weight loss?

Liquid diets have been around for many years, but lately they are becoming more popular due to celebrity endorsements. It continues to grow in popularity due to the benefits of its drastic weight loss, but it also has other advantages:

  • When you are on a liquid diet the digestive system gets a rests because liquid is much easier to digest than solid foods.
  • It is very good for the skin, giving it a younger appearance with a change in as little as 24 hours from the start the diet.
  • It helps to eliminate toxins from the body
  • It increases your energy
  • It improves your mood and helps you to think clearer
There are different types of liquid diets. Some replace daily meals with nutritional shakes. Other liquid diets consist of drinking only juices made from fruits and or vegetables. There are also options where some of the meals are replaced by liquids and persons are allowed to consume nutritional bars throughout the day. If you chose to use a liquid diet to aid in your weight loss progress, there are some facts you need to keep in mind.
Liquid diets should only be done over a short period of time; it should not be used for a long term commitment. During the liquid diet, certain calories are restricted and, if this is done over a long period, it can prove problematic for your health. You also need to consult a doctor, nutritionist or dietitian before embarking on this or any diet for that matter. A health care practitioner will be able to set a time frame for your diet, but most beginners start a few days to a week at the most.
Choose a time span for your diet when you are not expecting any stressful situations, because you should be in a restful state of mind during this time. If you are planning a big soiree, expecting your in-laws to visit, or preparing an important presentation at work, then do not chose that particular day, week or month to go on this diet. Stressful situations can adversely affect the diet.
Things you need for your liquid diet
If you are embarking on a juice diet, then you will need to shop for the required supplies. The main things you need are:
  • Water
  • Herbal teas
  • Fresh fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
The diet will consist of about 8 glasses of water each day and each meal will be replaced with vegetable and or fruits juices. It is recommended that you opt for mostly vegetables juices because they contain more digestive enzymes, which will be very helpful on your diet. Throughout the day you can also sip on herbal teas, but check that they do not include any type of sugar.
If you are dieting during a work week, you need to mix juices and take them to work with you. You should also have your water bottle and another bottle for your herbal tea to keep you feeling full throughout the day. Stay away from places such as fast food outlets and restaurants while you are on the liquid diet. If you must go to a restaurant for a business dinner, make sure to order herbal tea, fresh fruit juice or water; don’t be tempted by the other options on the menu. You are not required to do any exercises during the course of your liquid diet. The most exercise that is advised is leisurely walks, but nothing else that will allow you to increase your heart rate or break a sweat.

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